Second Time In The USA...
Who Should Attend?
* No actual nudity required or encouraged
Naked Screenwriting is designed so that both beginners and professionals will come away with techniques they can use to improve their scripts.
BEGINNING SCREEWRITERS - Takes you step-by-step from finding the right idea through the basics of structure, character and story. Everything you need to get started - inculding format information!
INTERMEDIATE SCREENWRITERS - Learn several methods to emotionally involve the reader and audience, ways to turn your script into a page turner! If you know the basics and want to take your writing to the next level, this class is for you!
PRO SCREENWRITERS - Hundreds of techniques you can use to improve your writing, solve problems, or re-engergize your writing. Hundreds of exciting writing techniques - a few you may not be aware of.
PRODUCERS - Identify great material, develop ideas for maximum drama, using key scenes to create hits, working with writers. A producer is a guy with a great script - how to find that great script or improve the one you optioned.
DIRECTORS - How theme connects story, characters and visuals. What's REALLY important in this scene? How stories work from a writer's perspective. Turning talk scenes into visual scenes. The more you know about the script, the more you can use your talents to transform it into a great film!
DEVELOPMEMT EXECUTIVES - Techniques to improve scenes, dialogue, visual scenes. Why actions speak louder than dialogue. Finding the central conflict. Specific techniques you can suggest to writers to guide their script to production.
INDIE PRODUCERS - Using drama to create emotional moments - that don't cost a cent, Why stakes, deadlines, and pacing are critical to indie films. The character as the center of the story. The Screenwriting 101 columnist for Independent Film Channel's magazine explains it all!
FILMMAKERS - How to effectively get your story on screen, from character creation to visual storytelling. The emotional power of story. The essence of a character - and how to show it. Characters that will attract actors. Imagination - it's the cheapest special effect!
NOVELISTS & PLAYWRIGHTS - Screenplays are focused, structured, and highly dramatic. The tools of screenwriting can be used to improve your novel or stageplay. Dialogue techniques, opposing characters, relationships, finding a dr5amatic and emotionally satisfying idea that appeals to a mass audience.
Not recommended for pets or infants.
Naked Screenwriting is designed so that both beginners and professionals will come away with techniques they can use to improve their scripts.
It will also provide information and insight for Directors, Producers, and Development People who want to improve their understanding of screenwriting and storytelling on film.
NAKED SCREENWRITING - This course strips away all of the silly theories to focus on the bare essentials of screenwriting: improving your story, structure, dialogue, description, visuals and characters. A screenplay should be as exciting to read as the movie will be to view, and that requires writing designed to involve the reader and audience. Using proven techniques Martell will guide you from idea to screenplay to polish to selling the script. Naked Screenwriting is designed so that both beginners and professionals will come away with techniques they can use to improve their scripts.
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copyright 2003 by William C. Martell