Where can I find a copyright form? How can I learn about the Space Shuttle? Where can I get an agent? These links will help you find the answers! The pages are still under construction, and I'll be adding links every month. Bookmark this page!
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Resources Chatrooms, Message Boards, Scripts Online, Genre Info, Online Classes, Publications, Research, Software
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Killer Bs Cult Films, Indies, Killer Bs, etc.
WORDPLAY: Terry Rossio and Ted Elliott (PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN) have the BEST site on the web for screenwriters. Over three dozen articles on screenwriting by two of the hottest writers in town, plus Articles and Message Boards (where pro writers often hang out)!
DONE DEAL: has up to date news on script sales! Who sold what to whom and for how much. New info EVERY DAY! Plus some lively message boards.
MWS (Screenwriting Newsgroup): Talk about lively message boards! MWS is like the wild west of screenwriter message boards - often with more political bickering than screenwriting talk. But if you have a screenwriting question, you can ask it here and have all kinds of pros jump in with answers.
IMDB (Internet Movie Database): list credits for millions of films. Who wrote that movie? Does that producer have any actual credits (or just business cards that say "Producer")? Check out IMdb and find out!
COPYRIGHT: A Copyright protects your script for your life plus about 100 years... for only $20! Download Copyright Forms!
WGA (Writers Guild Of America): The labor union for sceenwriters. The website has all kinds of helpful information, plus the MBA (basic agreement, which includes WGA minimums for screenplays).
YAHOO's VARIETY ONLINE: Wanna read Variety and Hollywood Reporter stories free? Yahoo Entertainment News has a Variety page with most of the day's Variety articles FREE, and if you click on "Reuters" on the right side of the screen, a whole bunch of Hollywood Reporter articles will pop up... FREE!
SCR(i)PT MAGAZINE: The best screenwriting magazine - instead of interviews they usully have the screenwriter of some big film write their own article. The website has a FREE online mag with *different* articles than the print version.
IFP (Indpendent Feature Project): A great organization designed to help indie film makers. These are the guys who put on the Independent Spirit Awards every year.
SCRIPTWRITERS NETWORK: Non-profit organization designed to help screenwriters. I've been a member for 15 years. In Los Angeles, they have two meetings every month - one with a name industry professional (just about anyone who has ever been nominated for the Best Screenplay Oscar has spoken to the group) and one that's educational. They have a contest, the Producer's Outreach Program, and a High School Fellowship.
DREW'S SCRIPT-O-RAMA: Looking for a script from a major motion picture? Here's the places to find them... for FREE! Drews Script-O-Rama is the oldest script download site on the web, and still the best.
DAILY SCRIPT: Also has free scripts to download, including several of *my* produced screenplays. You should read whole stack of scripts before you attempt writing one.
PLANET MEGAMALL: Can't find the script online? Would you rather have a paper copy (from the actual original script)? This place sells every script you can think of. It's where I get scripts.
AMAZON: All kinds of books (even mine).
ROTTEN TOMATOES: A billion film reviews, all in one place! This site has capsule reviews from all the major critics, plus ones you've never heard of. They compile overall ratings (0-100) and link the full reviews from all of the critics.
ROGER EBERT'S REVIEWS: Hey, he talked about me on the If We Picked The Winners Oscar Show with Siskel back in 1997, and even if he likes movies I hate and hates movies I like, he's still great at his job. He explains *why* he loves or hates a movie.
BOX OFFICE MOJO: Okay, the film got great reviews... but did anyone pay to see it? This site has box office info on every film, and it's *critical* for you to know if the films your script is like connected with the audience (or flopped). You'd be surprised at how many films got tons of press (so you'd think they were hits) but didn't make tons of money (some didn't make back their costs).
TOP FIVE COMEDY LIST: Chris White is a God. He started this comedy list, similar to Letterman's Top Ten, a few years ago, and it's one of the biggest e-mail comedy thingamajigs in the world! Pat Sajak is a frequent contributor, and the list has made headlines in national magazines a whole bunch of times. A great way to start your day with a laugh!
TOP FIVE *MOVIE* COMEDY ARCHIVES: Want to read a whole bunch of funny "Top Ten" style comedy lists bout the film biz? Check out these! Many of the lists I contributed to... for no money.
PRISCILLA'S: Toluca Lake (Riverside Drive) - One of my LA offices.
STARBUCKS: Studio City (Vineland & Ventura) - My other LA office.
CAFE LA SCALA: Walnut Creek, CA (1655 Main Street) - My NorCal hang out.COPIES
NKS COPIES: Studio City (Ventura Blvd)
PLUS..... Yahoo has the ULTIMATE LINK PAGE for screenwriter.
Pif's Pilot has an encyclopedia of links to writing resources at Pif's Pilot Search Engine for wriers.
Need more entertainment news? Here are two sources for up to date info. The Hollywood Reporter and FilmLand Weekly Film News.
For books at up to 30% off visit my BOOK STORE.
CLASSES ON CD! Finally - after software glitches and hardware problems, Five Classes are ready to ship on audio CD: GUERRILLA MARKETING YOUR SCRIPT: NO AGENT? NO PROBLEM!, WRITING HORROR, WRITING THRILLERS (2 CD set), WRITING INDIES and IDEAS & CREATIVITY. Classes on CD - Click Here!
GUERRILLA MARKETING YOUR SCRIPT: NO AGENT? NO PROBLEM! Is a full length CD of my popular class on selling your script without an agent. Dozens of methods (at least thirty) to get your script to market on your own. All of the things that *I* have done to sell my scripts - so I know they work. The book store / Amazon price for this CD is $24.95, but you can buy it on the website for $14.95 (plus $3 S&H)
WRITING HORROR - The essentials of a horror screenplay - what do ROSEMARY'S BABY, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, THE EXORCIST, BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, THE OTHERS and OPEN WATER have in common? This class will tell you! All of the critical elements necessary to write a script that scares the pants off the audience. Writing Horror is $14.95 (plus $3 S&H).
WRITING THRILLERS - a TWO CD Class - The first CD covers the essentials of a thriller screenplay, using examples from MINORITY REPORT, NORTH BY NORTHWEST, BOURNE IDENTITY, BREAKDOWN, THE LADY VANISHES, THE GAME and THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR as primary examples - what do all of those films have in common? This CD will tell you! Part Two covers the 20 iconic scenes in Thriller films, and explains how suspense works using MINORITY REPORT as an example and how plot twists work using BOURNE SUPREMACY and other films. Writing Thrillers: Two CD Class - $24.95 (plus $5 S&H)
Click here for more information on CLASS CDs!
The book Pro Screenwriters recommend:
SECRETS OF ACTION SCREENWRITINGFor more information about BLUE BOOKS - 48 Pages Packed With Information!
Writing an Indie film?
The new WRITING INDIE FILMS Red Book is all about writing for a budget.Check out my friend Jeff's new film STRAIGHT INTO DARKNESS - kind of SAVING PRIVATE RYAN meets Todd Browning's FREAKS! It got a great review in the LA Times.
To discuss this Script Tip or ask a question, check out the Message Boards - and the *old* SPIDER-MAN 2 game in the game section!
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