Thinking about offering screenwriting classes at your film festival?
Looking for a fun instructor with actual film credits?
How about someone with a screenwriting book that fellow screenwriters rank as the best on the market?
"SECRETS OF ACTION SCREENWRITING is the best book on the practical
nuts-and-bolts mechanics of writing a screenplay I've ever read." - Ted Elliott, co-writer
of THE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN movies and SHREK with Terry Rossio.
"William C. Martell knows the action genre inside out. Read and learn from an
expert!" - Mark Verheiden, writer of TIME COP and THE MASK, plus TV's SMALLVILLE.
"My only complaint... is that it wasn't around when I was starting out... would have
saved me years of trial and error!" - Ken Wheat, co-writer of PITCH BLACK and THE
FLY 2 with Jim Wheat.
I've taught online classes for Script Magazine, lectured at the
Sacramento Film Festival, several times taught along side Oscar nominated screenwriters like Joan
Tewksbury and Chris Devore at the Santa Fe Screenwriters Conference, taught classes twice at the Las Vegas Screenwriting Conference,
and I've done my intensive 2 day seminar NAKED SCREENWRITING at the Raindance Film Festival in London several times, and at the Aarhus International Film Festival in Denmark, and the Hong Kong Film Festival and.... Plus I've
done workshops and panels at the Cripple Creek Film Festival, Ft. Lauderdale Film Festival, and
dozens of others. I've yet to do a film festival in Alaska - but there's always hope!
(If you are interested in hosting the big 2 day NAKED SCREENWRITING seminar, e-mail me.)
Making your own film? This class covers everything you need to know - from Central Locations to Confined Cameos to Robert Rodriguez's school bus. Using examples from SWINGERS, THE COOLER, STATION AGENT and films produced by the instructor for pocket change, this class is packed with information. How Indie films challenge the audience (while mainstream films reassure the audience). Structures, using BOYS DON'T CRY and others as example. Writing for a budget, writing for non-actors, getting the most production value out of your budget.
Using examples from CHINATOWN to OUT OF THE PAST you'll learn how to create stories in this dark, twisted genre. How to plant clues. Red herrings, suspects, time tables, victims, spider women, fallen heroes, the funhouse mirror world of noir supporting characters. Noir dialogue and how noir endings are different than any other genre.
How to find theme with your character and use theme to explore your character. Why theme is the most important element in any screenplay. Theme and nexus. Theme and dialogue. Your personal themes and finding your unique voice.
William Goldman says "Structure is everything". Do you understand structure? Is your script running out of steam halfway through? Do you NOT know what happens next? Is your script slow paced? Boring? This course explores different methods of structuring your screenplay - alternatives to the three act structure. Using examples like RUN, LOLA, RUN and PULP FICTION and HILARY & JACKIE and CRASH and other odd storytelling methods.
How to design an exciting action sequence, integrate action and character, create a high concept villain's plan, write hot love scenes without resorting to porn, use diversion & anticipation to make your script unpredictable, and create great heroes and villains. How much violence is too much? How much is not enough?
How to find and develop ideas that Hollywood is looking for and you are passionate about. A great script with a dull idea is a dull script. Learn tools like Magnification, Flipping, Substitution, Cousins, Word Association, why High Concept is *Your* Concept, finding your personal themes in high concept ideas.
From THE RING to SAW and HOSTEL, horror is hot! You’ll learn everything you need to know to write in this genre, from creating dread, loss of free will, fear of the unknown, classic horror (like THE OTHERS) vs. Stalk & Slash and Modern Horror. How to create a monster. What do ROSEMARY'S BABY, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, THE EXORCIST, BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, THE OTHERS and OPEN WATER have in common? This class will tell you! All of the critical elements necessary to write a script that scares the pants off the audience.
Is X-MEN 3 a superhero movie or a film about Gay rights? Is V FOR VENDETTA a popcorn flick or a political message? This class explores methods for disguising your edgy, controversial, and/or political story as a mainstream genre film. Instead of preaching to the already converted, why not lure in an unexpecting audience and zap them with your message?
Dozens of techniques to help you through Act Two. From creating momentum to
denial to dilemma to levels of conflict to pacing to the escalator of doom.
How to make Act Two not only easy to write... but fun!
Create unusual, unpredictable, and original scenes. This technique-based
class shows you how to create great scenes. Using conflict, suspense,
dramatic situations. A dozen ways to create new scenes. Transitions to get
you from scene to scene. A scene's DNA. Much more!
How to find and develop ideas that Hollywood is looking for and you are passionate about. A great script with a dull idea is a dull script. Learn tools like Magnification, Flipping, Substitution, Cousins, Word Association, why High Concept is *Your* Concept, finding your personal themes in high concept ideas.
No agent? No problem! How to make your own connections, find producers interested in your script, get readings and studio meetings, sell without an agent or manager. Instructor has sold over 20 scripts without an agent, 17 were filmed. You don't need an agent to sell, just a great script!
Become a master of suspense! From BOURNE IDENTITY to DOUBLE JEOPARDY, how to write the modern thriller. Secrets Desires, Basic Instincts, Moral Dilemmas. Isolation, Paranoia, Small Sins lead to Bigger Sins, Death & Rebirth of Protagonist, Dopplegangers, Mistaken Identities, Spying, Villains, Deadly Paperclips and more. Instructor has several *produced* thriller scripts.
Sure, your dialogue's great, but description is 50% of your screenplay and film is a visual medium. Is half your script in trouble? Technique-based class with 25 ways to improve description, create hidden camera angles, tell your story visually. Decisions, metaphors, symbolism, why pictures are worth a thousand words.
Basic Screenwriting Course for beginning to advanced screenwriters - From finding a great idea to finding a producer to buy your
finished script. This is a striped down version of the Naked Screenwriting seminar, focusing on techniques you
can put to use today. Starting with ideas, moving to stories, character creation, subplots, dialogue, visual
storytelling, and ending with some tips on taking your script to market.
(A great one day class - packed with information. Good for general screenwriters.)
(Can be condensed to fit available time slot}
Course for beginning and Intermediate screenwriters - understanding story,
relationship of character to story, high concept, finding an interesting concept, theme
and conflict. If you are having trouble figuring out what comes next, or what your
script should be about, or have trouble coming up with ideas, this is the class for you.
(A great 2-4 hour class - packed with information. Good for general
Course for beginning and Intermediate screenwriters - William Goldman says
"Structure is everything". Do you understand structure? Is your script running out of
steam halfway through? Do you NOT know what happens next? Is your script slow
paced? Boring? This course explores different methods of structuring your screenplay,
plus techniques for outlining and pacing your script.
(A great 2-4 hour class - packed
with information. Good for general screenwriters. Combine with STORY AND
CONCEPT for a full day.)
expanded by the inclusion of an example film. LIAR LIAR is used as the primary
example in the STORY class and THE MATRIX is used as primary example in
STRUCTURE. This adds over 2 hours to each class, making each almost a full day of
The class of the book. Technique-based seminar. How to write an effective plot
twist, create unbearable suspense, design an exciting action sequence, create a high
concept villain's plan, use diversion & anticipation to make your script unpredictable,
and create great heroes and villains. Dozens of techniques that can be used in any
(This class was taught at Santa Fe in three 4 hour segments. Can be
condensed further to a one day seminar, or expanded to two days.)
By page ten you have either hooked your reader and made them want to read
more, or lost them. You don't get a second chance to make a good first impression!
This class will teach you techniques that will make your first page exciting and
engaging to readers, and methods to hook readers by page ten so that they MUST
find out how your story ends. Plus how to effectively introduce your protagonist, and
how to create an exciting ending.
(A six hour online class, can be condensed to a 2-3
hour class.)
Creating memorable characters that jump off the page is an important part of
screenwriting. But too many scripts have passive protagonists, or sketchy supporting
characters. Without believable characters the story itself becomes unbelievable. Over
35,000 words of class materials, almost 200 different character building techniques.
six hour online class that can either be expanded to a full day or condensed to a 2-3
hour class.)
Every year there are only 200-250 theatrical movies made, but hundreds of films
made for the video and cable market and hundreds more made independently. This
technique based class will take you step-by-step, showing you how to write a budget
friendly screenplay. Great for digital filmmakers!
(This class can easily be transformed
into a "Do It Yourself" class for digital filmmakers who need to know how to write
budget friendly screenplays - can be a full day seminar or condensed to 2-3
I've also done pitching workshops for Sherwood Oaks College, done 2 hour workshops on
about every screenwriting subject known to man, and been on panels discussing everything
from proper format to the future of digital filmmaking (with Mike Figgis at Raindance).
Classes and Workshops can be adapted to fit your festival's unique needs. I'll also do any panel discussions, and will autograph books for festival
For more information contact:
William C. Martell has written nineteen produced films for cable and video
three HBO World Premieres, two Made For Showtimes, three CineMax Premieres, two
films for USA Network, and many others. Reviewer David Nuttycombe of The
Washington Post calls him "The Robert Towne of made for cable movies" and he was
the only non-nominated screenwriter mentioned on Siskel & Ebert's 1997 Oscar
Special "If We Picked The Winners". He doesn't teach screenwriting, he writes for a
The naval warfare action film "Steel Sharks" (HBO) stars Gary Busey and Billy
Williams, and was made with the cooperation of the US Navy and Department Of
Defense onboard an actual aircraft carrier. "Hard Evidence" (USA) was released to
video the same day as Julia Roberts' film "Something To Talk About" and out-rented
it, landing at the #7 position nationally while the Roberts' film ended up #8 ("Hard
Evidence" was the better reviewed film). Submarine thriller "Crash Dive" (HBO) starred
Frederic Forest, and introduced "JAG"s Catherine Bell and Christopher Titus from
Fox's sit-com "Titus". "Treacherous" (Cinemax) Starred Tia Carrere, Adam Baldwin
and C. Thomas Howell. His family film "Invisible Mom" starring "ET"s Dee Wallace
Stone won Best Children's Film at the Santa Clarita Film Festival. Mr. Martell is
currently working on several projects for major studios.
240 pages packed with techniques and tips for screenwriters, focusing on the
thriller and suspense genres. No theories! Only actual techniques! The ultimate HOW
TO screenwriting book! Creating the ultimate villain, harvesting the audience's secrets
desires or hidden fears to create a hit film, how to write a plot twist, the four kinds of
suspense, using reversals to keep your descriptions exciting, four ways to explode
cliches, the two types of heroes, ten ways to create exciting action scenes, using
secrets and lies, weapons for weirdos, instant character identifiers, your script's DNA,
16 steps to better description, pacing secrets, rugpulls, visual characterization,
"Popeye" points, and more! "Secrets Of Action Screenwriting" was written by a
working professional screenwriter with seventeen produced films. He knows what
here for
NOIR & MYSTERY80 minute CD packed with information on writing Film Noir and Mystery scripts. Using examples from CHINATOWN to OUT OF THE PAST to DOUBLE INDEMNITY you'll learn how to create stories in this dark, twisted genre. How to plant clues, red herrings, suspects, victims, spider women, fallen heroes, the funhouse mirror world of noir supporting characters... and the origins of Film Noir in literature Noir dialogue and how noir endings are different than any other genre. All of the critical elements necessary to write in this critically popular genre.
The Noir & Mystery Class is only $15 (plus $5 S&H). First 20 on Limited Black Disk!
IDEAS AND CREATIVITY - 80 minute CD packed with information. Tools to find ideas that are both personal *and* commercial. Hollywood wants scripts with High Concept stories... but not stupid scripts. Developing *intelligent* high concept ideas. How to turn your personal story into a blockbuster - or find your personal story in a high concept idea. Brainstorming and being creative. Ideas and Creativity is $10.00 (plus $5 S&H)
WRITING INDIES - Writing an Indie film? This class covers everything you need to know - from Central Locations to Confined Cameos. Using examples from SWINGERS, THE COOLER, STATION AGENT and others, this 80 minute CD is packed with information. How Indoe films challenge the audience (while mainstream films reassure the audience). Structures, using BOYS DON'T CRY, RUN LOLA RUN, HILARY & JACKIE, and others as example. Writing for a budget, writing for non-actors, getting the most production value out of your budget. Writing Indies is $10.00 (plus $5 S&H)
WRITING HORROR - The essentials of a horror screenplay - what do ROSEMARY'S BABY, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, THE EXORCIST, BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, THE OTHERS and OPEN WATER have in common? This class will tell you! All of the critical elements necessary to write a script that scares the pants off the audience. Writing Horror is $10.00 (plus $5 S&H).
Click here for more information on CLASS CDs!

Skip the producers and do it yourself - film your script and make your own movie. This "ProSumer" camera uses a 3 CCD system and has a 20x optical zoom professional L series Flourite lens. It records on either MiniDV tape or MMC/SD card. Output by firewire or USB for stills. Battery runs over 1 hour without recharging. Image stablizer. Over 500 lines of horizontal resolution. The consumer version of Canon's pro XL1S camera.
* * * Buy It!