Unable to get to Santa Fe Screenwriting Conference or my Script Secrets Seminar this year? Or did you take the class and want to take
it again at your leisure? These audio CDs were recorded in a professional recording booth - you'll feel like you are right there!
$5 off all of these CDs.... LOWEST PRICE EVER!
Eventually there will be a whole stack of CDs - evey class I've ever taught, plus the NAKED SCREENWRITING/SCRIPT SECRETS class and a condensed version of the Action book. Right now there are FIVE classes on CD (including a 2CD class). * Ordering Multiples? Zip to the bottom of the page and save on postage!
IDEAS AND CREATIVITY - 80 minute CD packed with information. Tools to find ideas that are both personal *and* commercial. How to turn your personal story into a blockbuster - or find your personal story in a high concept idea. Brainstorming and being creative. Ideas and Creativity, regular price is $14.95, on sale for only $10.00 (plus $5 S&H)
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WRITING INDIES - Writing an Indie film? This class covers everything you need to know - from Central Locations to Confined Cameos. Using examples from SWINGERS, THE COOLER, STATION AGENT and others, this 80 minute CD is packed with information. How Indoe films challenge the audience (while mainstream films reassure the audience). Structures, using BOYS DON'T CRY, RUN LOLA RUN, HILARY & JACKIE, and others as example. Writing for a budget, writing for non-actors, getting the most production value out of your budget. Writing Indies - regularly sells for $14.95, on sale for $10.00 (plus $5 S&H)
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WRITING HORROR - 80 minute CD packed with information on writing horror scripts. From creating dread, loss of free will, fear of the unknown, classic horror (like THE OTHERS) vs. Stalk & Slash and Modern Horror. How to create a monster. What do ROSEMARY'S BABY, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, THE EXORCIST, BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, THE OTHERS and OPEN WATER have in common? This class will tell you! All of the critical elements necessary to write a script that scares the pants off the audience. Much more! Was $14.95, now Writing Horror is $10.00 (plus $5 S&H)
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GUERRILLA MARKETING YOUR SCRIPT: NO AGENT? NO PROBLEM! Is a full length CD of my popular class on selling your script without an agent. Dozens of methods (at least thirty) to get your script to market on your own. These are all of the things that *I* have done to sell my scripts - so I know they work. The book store / Amazon price for this CD is $24.95, website price is $14.95, but now on sale for $10.00 (plus $5 S&H).
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WRITING THRILLERS - A 2 CD class. The first CD covers the essentials of a thriller screenplay, using examples from MINORITY REPORT, NORTH BY NORTHWEST, BOURNE IDENTITY, BREAKDOWN, THE LADY VANISHES, THE GAME and THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR as primary examples - what do all of those films have in common? This CD will tell you! Part Two covers the 20 iconic scenes in Thriller films, and explains how suspense works using MINORITY REPORT as an example and how plot twists work using BOURNE SUPREMACY and other films. Writing Thrillers: Two CD Set is regularly $24.95, now on sale for $20.00 (plus $5 S&H)
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Postage = US $5, (Canada = $7, Foreign = $10)
The NAKED SCREENWRITING CLASS! The 2001 London Class on 8 CDs! Recorded *live* the morning after the Raindance Film Festival
wrapped. The big 2 Day Class on 8 CDs, plus a workbook, plus a bonus CD with 460 screenplay PDFs - all 3 BOURNE movies, all 3 MATRIX movies, all 4
Indiana Jones movies, plus all kinds of action and thriller and scripts from Hitchcock films. Plus - many of the 2008 Black List scripts - best unproduced scripts in town.
Yeah, I threw in some Charlie Kauffman and rom-com scripts and some National Lampoon Vacation movie scripts,
too. All for one reasonable price: $99.95 (plus P&H)
THE TENTH DISK! - The Next 10 People To Order Will Get A SECOND Bonus Disk - The Classic Movie HIS GIRL FRIDAY on DVD! A Lesson In Dialogue And Banter. Cary Grant & Roz Russell Star In This Romantic Comedy... or the Hitchcock classic THE 39 STEPS! A lesson is suspense. Yours FREE!
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Save a couple of bucks on postage when ordering more than 2 classes.

(the Thriller Class counts as 2 CDs).
Make sure to list the classes in the note section of the order form!
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(the Thriller Class counts as 2 CDs).
Make sure to list the classes in the note section of the order form!
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Why break up a set? Get all of the Classic Classes on CD for one low price - and save on postage, too!
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Postal orders (check or money order) to:
William C. Martell
11012 Ventura Blvd. PMB 103
Studio City, CA 91604-3546
ANIMAL TESTING: It is First Strike Productions' policy
never to test any
of it's products on animals... So if your dog buys any of these CDs he may be disappointed.
This is the program that I use. Very simple - I still haven't read the instruction book. When I first bought the program, I had sold a script and got an assignment - and decided to go from my macro to an actual screenwriting program. I went into The Writer's Store and asked for the easiest to use program they had, and that was MM. I started writing that assignment without ever reading the instruction book! One key stroke does *everything*. Automatically formats your script, putting character names, scene headings, and action in the appropriate places. It also has a character name list, so you only have to hit the first letter of any character's name and it automatically fills it in. The other great thing (at least for me) is that Movie Magic also makes the most used programs for budgeting and scheduling films - and all a producer has to do is import your script to the budgeting program! Makes it easier if your script is actually being produced. If you're looking for a screenwriting program, this is the one I recommend.
Buy It!