Throughout your script you should be
"planting" plot, character,
dialogue and actions that you can later "pay off" to create an
emotional response in the audience. We want the audience to feel
what our characters feel, to have an emotional experience. Plants
and pay offs are important tools we can use to reveal information
and create an emotionally charged moment for the audience.
There are three kinds of Plants: Establishing, Reveal/Surprise,
and Soft Plants. The plants are pretty much the same, but the way
they Pay Off is very different. All three deal with establishing
information - but what happens after that are three different roads
to three different conclusions.
A Reveal/Surprise Plant is designed so that the audience *forgets*
the information that is planted so that when it is revealed later in
the story it is some form of surprise or "That's right! She always
wears a bullet proof vest!" The Establishing Plant is designed to
*remind* the audience of a goal or skill or some other bit of information
so that they do not forget it. The Soft Plant is the most interesting of
the three because it is just information that is established that may
*never* Pay Off. Never. It's optional. I often use Soft Plants when
writing - I establish some piece of information that I have no planned
Pay Off for - but maybe I'll come up with some use for that information
later in the script... or maybe I won't and it's just an interesting
detail about character or location or some other aspect of the story.
In James Cameron's ALIENS every single character is given a
little story that pays off at the end. The cowardly commander
who tries to fight the war from the armored vehicle ends up
showing courage by sacrificing himself on the front lines so that
the others can get away. Vasquez, who hates the commander and
makes fun of him throughout the film, is at his side - showing
that she respects him. Ripley hates androids, won't even sit at
the same table as Lance Henrickson's character - but he's the one
who dies trying to save her at the end. The supporting
character's conflict is planted early, and paid off at the
In the second scene of Jeff Nathanson's CATCH ME IF YOU CAN we see Leonardo DiCaprio
at a Rotary Club dinner honoring his father (Christopher Walken). As he listens to his father tell a story,
DiCaprio slowly peels the labels off a bottle of champagne - trying to keep it intact. Though you may
think this was just something for the character to do while his dad tells his oft-told tale, in reality it's a
plant that will pay off in two very different ways.
First - Leo peels the Pan Am decals off of model
planes to force checks (that nervous habit comes in handy).
Second - when FBI Agent Tom Hanks
confronts Leo in a Los Angeles apartment, Leo claims to be a fellow Federal Agent and hands him his
ID folder. By the time Hanks flips open the ID folder, Leo is long gone. The ID folder is filled with
labels peeled from products. This is both a plant AND a pay off. When Hanks sees the peeled labels in
the ID folder he knows the federal agent is really Leo the forger... and it plants the peeled label habit in
Hanks' knowledge of Leo (Hanks is not a psychic - we needed a scene that connects the peeled labels
to Leo).
Later in the film, Hanks and his team are searching for Leo and end up at a society wedding.
Not much chance that the groom is their lower-middle class forger. Hanks is ready to leave when he
sees the champagne bottle with the peeled label. That's the pay off! The real reason we say Leo peeling
off that label in the opening scene. The minute he sees that champagne bottle Hanks KNOWS that Leo
is the groom... and currently only a few feet away in an upstairs bedroom! Because the plant and pay
off are VISUAL we don't need anyone to tell us that Hanks has figured out Leo is locked in that
bedroom upstairs. We figure it out based on the visual plant from that second scene.
My screenplay DARK SALVAGE got me a bunch of studio meetings - it's Indiana Jones in swim fins. A huge epic adventure about sunken Spanish Galleons
and two crews that go after the same treasure. Everybody loved it... but the
main reason why it didn't sell is because it takes place both on and under water,
which was very expensive to shoot at the time. The most mentioned film was WATERWORLD. Maybe now that CGI is better, and those
PIRATES movies were hits that they are still trying to revive, someone might be interested in it now?
I think one of the reasons why the script got me so many meetings was that I used plants and pay offs throughout the
script to show the relationship between characters evolving, or
just to create a clever reveal later in the story. The ship our heroes rent has a battered old refrigerator covered in
refrigerator magnets... which vanish in one scene. Well, the way you find sunken treasure is with a magnetometer - and it's
later revealed that the hero has used the magnets to throw the villain's team off. This plant and pay off
adds character to my comic relief Horner character (who owns the boat and the refrigerator)... then makes our hero our hero Lonnie look clever (when he plants the magnets away from
the real potential treasure sites)... then
pays off again when the villain Curt discovers them. Those magnets also have
a "reverse pay off" when leading lady Shelby sees a reflection of an attacking henchman in the
refrigerator door that wouldn't be visible if the magnets hadn't
been removed. My goal here was to take a "prop" like the refrigerator magnets and make them integral to the story... again and again. Something mundane that was
"character and location information" for the Horner character, but secretly creates twists in the story at least two times.
Every character in DARK
SALVAGE has plants and pay offs, but
let's look at (sidekick) Carter and (hero) Lonnie's relationship. After seeing too
many films where the hero had a wise old mentor, I decided to
turn that upside down and make my hero the mentor character. So I
needed a student - Carter. Carter's character helps the story in
many ways:
1) Because no modern movie has ever been about marine salvage
divers, I needed a "new guy" to act as an audience surrogate. All
of the technical stuff could be explained to the audience by
having (hero) Lonnie or (sidekick) Shelby explain it to Carter.
2) Carter also acts as a reflection of Lonnie. We can chart
Lonnie's character arc through his relationship with Carter, and
see where Lonnie DOESN'T change in scenes where Carter DOES
change. Having a "control" character in your experiment can help you tell the story without using a sledgehammer.
3) Carter also adds some comedy relief. Shelby is sarcastic,
but I needed a character that was a little goofy. Someone who could
do and say silly things to balance the heavy tone of the
Lonnie/Curt (hero/villain) and Lonnie/Evelyn (hero/femme fatale) stories.
4) That reverse mentor thing: Lonnie sees himself in Carter.
sees the guy he used to be, and sees the potential. So Carter
will bring out Lonnie's character - especially his optimism and
his belief that good deeds pay off. Lonnie is such a bitter
character at the beginning of this story that I needed a way to show his sweetness.
Okay, that's why Carter's a character in DARK
SALVAGE, so now
let's look at some of *his* plants and pay offs.
PLANT: The first scene with Lonnie and Carter I wanted
to show
how similar they were. So I invented this sunken DC-3 off the
coast of Gualala that Carter was going to dive and Lonnie had
dove years ago. That DC-3 was never intended to be a plant! Total soft plant - when I wrote
the scene I just needed to show scuba diving!
PAY OFF: Near the end of the script I had a big dramatic
between Carter and Lonnie. His friendship with Carter was turning
out the way his friendship with Williams had turned out. Lonnie
was angry (a pair of dive knives pay off here) - but there are no one
sided arguments. So what could Carter throw back in Lonnie's
face? How about that sunken DC-3?
It's important to plant as many details in your script as
possible - to give characters full, rich, lives and surroundings
so that you have material to pay off later. The best thing about
pay offs from soft plants like this is that they surprise you (the writer). You
had no idea that little detail would become a pivotal part of the
script when you wrote it. If you plant a great little detail and
it never pays off, that's okay! A great little detail makes the
character more real - which is a different kind of pay off.
PLANT: Carter's frustration with being "top man" - he
wants to be
a diver on the salvage mission.
PAY OFF: Carter finds a very unexpected way to be a
diver on the
salvage mission... by joining the villain!
PLANT: Carter tells Lonnie he wants to "Hold the gold
in my hand,
that's what it's all about."
PAY OFF: At the end of the script, Lonnie helps Carter get
wish to hold the gold in his hand. This is an emotional moment -
set up earlier in the script so that I could pay it off here.
When Carter's line plants this scene, you don't expect it to pay
off like this. That's the key to a good Reveal/Surprise Plant & Pay Off - even if
the audience anticipates the pay off, you surprise them by paying
it off in an unexpected way. You want to keep the cause and
effect between plant and pay off, but you don't want the audience
to be able to predict the effect.
Sometimes you can use plants & pay offs to create mystery. In
early scene femme fatale Eveyln does something unexpected - she starts a shoot
out with the villain Williams. Why? Hey, folks, that's a plant! I wanted the
audience to wonder why she did that, so that I could build
mystery around her character. She's already the unknown person on
the boat. Another part of the plant is that she used to dive with
Williams. I continue to plant information that acts as clues to
"the Evelyn mystery" - she secretly meets Williams for drinks
when they go to shore (pay off of the Evelyn's lipstick plant),
her dive knives match the punctured canned goods, and the BIG
plant I slip in when no one is looking: She talks about this
business associate of her father's who slept with her and dumped
her - now they hate each other. If you're assembling the clues to
the "Evelyn mystery" that last plant solves it... it's really a
pay off! But the confirmation comes 23 pages later when I pay off
the entire Evelyn mystery in a big dramatic scene with
Lonnie... she used to be William's lover & protege.
Other plants & pay offs in the script: the coffee with egg
the bar tabs (a running gag), Shelby not feeling needed by
Lonnie, the story of Ron Ennio, the "easiest million I ever
earned", beer consumption (another running gag), the magnetometer
hits, the cannon, the Green King wreckage, the "rain check", and
how all of the dive shop guys in the beginning of the script
show up by the end of the script! There are so many plants & pay
offs that I could nerver list them all... I haven't even
mentioned the entire Lonnnie/Williams relationship that's FULL of
plants, pay offs, and past incidents coming back to haunt the
Sometimes you may plat something with no payoff in mind. In my script SPLICERS (also always a bridesmaid and never a bride) , I had a scene where our soldier hero first meets
the female soldier love interest he admires her chrome 45s and asks to take
a look at them. She shoots him down with "I don't know you that well." That started out as just
a line of dialogue, but ended up being used a couple more times in the
script... it "accidentally" paid off later.
Another accidental plant was a soldier who was killed early on...
and later in the script I had my hero at the same location in need of a weapon.
I tried to figure out what he could use as a weapon, then I remembered
the dead soldier... and his weapon. Hey, a great accidental plant!
I also gave each character in SPLICERS an emotional conflict (plant) that
could be resolved later in the script. Another female soldier has a hot date and wants to get the mission over with as quickly as possible.
Orginally the hot date was just a way to define her character, but it ended up paying off
by the end of the film when she sacrifices herself and stays behind so that others can escape...
and that means she'll miss her date.
Give each of your characters a plant (conflict) early that
be resolved in later scenes so that they can help save the day or
create an emotional pay off with your protagonist. Fill your
script with as many details that not only add verisimilitude but
give you material that you can pay off later. Find the unexpected
way to pay off your plants to keep your script unpredictable. You
can't have too many clever plants and pay offs!
Reveal/Surprise Plants: are designed for the audience *not* to remember the information you have established.
Establishing Plants: are designed for the audience to remember the information you have established.
Soft Plants: are information established which may never pay off! It might just be a cool detail... or may end up that secret weapon in James Bond's briefcase you never thought he'd use.
It's always about what you want the audience to feel and what you want them to know... *how* you tell the story.
Okay, enough about my scripts that were near misses...
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